Effective and Painless Laser Vein Surgery in New York

by | May 22, 2013 | Health


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Many women have suffered for years with the painful side effects of varicose veins. They weren’t willing to go through the painful stripping procedure that was used to treat them. They also had to have the sick time to take several weeks off of work to recuperate. These women now have access to newer effective spider veins with lasers New York treatments that are fare less invasive and require no recuperation period.

Spider veins and varicose veins appear when tiny valves in the blood vessels are not working properly. The broken valves allow blood to pool in the wrong places. These spots turn into spider or varicose veins. At first these are just cosmetic changes that might make a woman feel self-conscious about wearing shorts or swimsuits. If they are left untreated they can get larger and cause pain and heaviness in the legs. Some women even experience night cramps. Eventually they can cause sores on the leg or even blood clots.

The traditional way of treating varicose veins was to take out the entire vein from the top of the leg to the ankle. It was referred to as stripping the vein. It was painful and had a substantial recuperation period. Today a careful examination is done to locate the leaking valves. Then they are treated to stop the leaks. When those leaks are closed, the spider veins and varicose veins will start to disappear. Patients love the fact that this is a painless procedure and they can return to their daily activities immediately. As more time passes, they will feel increased energy, because tired and aching legs aren’t holding them back any longer.

Varicose Veins Surgery that treats the source of the swelling is the best option. Some techniques treat the spider veins with lasers, but don’t treat the root problem of broken valves. Patients are then disappointed when the spider veins return. After consulting with a different doctor, they learn about the correct procedure. This treatment is so important that most insurance plans will cover it. However, the coverage is usually for varicose veins and not spider veins. The latter problem is often considered a cosmetic problem.