How To Choose The Best Astaxanthin On The Toronto Market

by | Dec 1, 2021 | Health


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When it comes to supplements, there are significant differences in quality. Choosing a lower price typically means a lower quality of ingredients or the use of synthetically manufactured components rather than naturally grown and harvested ingredients.

There is also a difference between buying the best Astaxanthin on the Toronto market when shopping supplement manufacturers and those in Canada. Health Canada licenses and regulates the advertising and the quality of supplements manufactured in the country. In the USA, the FDA does not regulate or license supplements, which means consumers have to rely on the information provided by the manufacturer without any third-party verification.

What to Look For

In addition to choosing a Canadian manufacturer, finding the best Astaxanthin on the Toronto market also means choosing a natural Astaxanthin and not a synthetic Astaxanthin. Over 95% of the Astaxanthin on the market is synthetic, which is not as effective as the natural product.

Look for the Natural Algae Astaxanthin Association or NAXA seal on the label. In addition, check the amount per serving of Astaxanthin. It should be 12 mg.

In addition, if the label indicates the Haematococcus pluvialis is whole, it is not effectively absorbed by your body. The processing of this microalgae needs to include a cell-wall disruption to optimize the absorption of Astaxanthin in the body.

What is the Research Behind the Product?

To make sure you are buying the best Astaxanthin on the Toronto market, take the time to review the manufacturer’s website. Purchasing a specialized product with solid research backing is always a critical consideration when your health and well-being are the reasons for taking the supplement.

To read why we offer the best Astaxanthin on the Toronto market, visit us at . Iconthin is a company in Toronto dedicated to algae research and health products.