Trying to find a good doctor can be challenging. There are some ways, however, to help guide you along toward your best chances for success.
You may be aware, that there are now various Rating Sites on line, which rate doctors. Trying to find a doctor based on on-line ratings is not a reliable way to choose a doctor. Sites like Healthgrades and RateMDs and, are completely unscientific in the way they collect their data. In fact, one can easily get misled by looking at such sites while trying to find a good doctor.
But, there is another way. It’s called Board Cortication.
In order to become Board Certified in a particular medical specialty, a doctor must have passed a series of exams in the field they are pursuing for the Board Certification.
In order to even be eligible to take the Board Cortication exam, the doctor must have:
1. Graduated from a reputable medical school and passed a series of exams called The National Boards
2. Completed a certified program called a Residency in their particular area of specialization. For the best field in this area, a Board Certified Addictionolgist is the best type of doctor for the treatment of Addictive Diseases.
3. Maintain in good standing, a state medical license in the state the doctor practices in.
4. Finally, the doctor must pass the Board Examination for their specialty.
So, if a Doctor is Board Certified in Addictionology, that means that he or she has completed all of 1-4 above. It is really important to consider this as the best way to tell if a doctor is qualified to work with individuals suffering from a drug dependency or from alcoholism.
If you or someone who you know, has a problem with Opiate pain medication; excellent help is available at The Drug and Alcohol Detox Clinic of South Mississippi. Give them a call today at 000.000.000. Or find them on the web. You can follow them on Google+.for more information. There’s Still Hope!