Facing Financial Stress as a Couple

by | Aug 17, 2012 | Health


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Financial stress is part of married life in Florida and everywhere around the world – at least on occasion. Almost all couples have to face it at one time or another, whether they have lots of money or very little. Although many more couples experience it when funds are low, it can be devastating if the problems lies in differences in how money is spent, or money management. These kinds of issues can grow quickly and become so cumbersome that couples split up and divorce. By then it’s too late for marriage counseling, although Florida therapists might have been able to point such couples in a better direction.

When times are tough, couple may begin to feel resentment towards each other, which leads to other kinds of behaviors that tend to deterioration in the relationship. It sometimes takes a concerted effort to work together to overcome the difficulties that are presented by financial stress and anxiety. An initial step is therefore for both partners in a marriage relationship to agree to make it through the difficulty, and indeed to see the difficulty as a challenge with a clear goal on the other end. Seeing each other as partners rather than opponents can make a big difference in how various issues surrounding financial stress are handled and addressed. Having marriage counseling with a Florida therapist as a part of the effort to stay united may be extremely beneficial as well.

To this end, unresolved tendencies to feel angry towards each other or to blame one another for the present difficulties need to be overcome. There cannot be unity in facing challenges if hidden resentment is present in any shape or form. Keeping focus by constantly envisioning the marriage as a relationship that is being put to the test, but that will benefit greatly once the struggle has ended, is a critical factor to making it through.

Communication energizes any marriage when it is honest and non-hostile, without blame or judgment. Couples who can communicate their feelings both as speakers and listeners are more supportive of each other and more likely to make it through stressful difficulties. Going to marriage counseling in Florida to learn how to effectively communicate is a healthy sign of a couple’s commitment to make a marriage work.

Strain caused by stress due to financial difficulties do not have to be destructive forces in the life of a marriage, but can actually be crucibles that bring couples closer together and eventually strengthen their commitment to each other. Commitment, marriage counseling and communication are all crucial components of that kind of commitment and intent.