If you find yourself expecting a child, have a young one or are simply interested in trying a newer form of massage therapy, you should consider taking infant massage courses at a massage therapy school. In Flagstaff, you will be able to find a course or two that will...
Your Search for Psychotherapy in Oakland May End on a Yoga Mat
We all have tough times, but for some people, life has been tougher for them than we could ever imagine it being for ourselves. When the human mind and body experience enough stress, both can reach a breaking point. This can begin a downward spiral of negativity which...
The Advantages Of Using Cohesive Bandages
For patients with Stages 2 and 3 lymphedema, bandaging is an ongoing requirement during CDT or Complete Decongestive Therapy. Stage 2 and Stage 3 lymphedema may also be termed moderate to severe, and there will be noticeable swelling in the affected body parts. We...
The Benefits of Manual Lymphatic Drainage For Patients with Fibromyalgia
Traditionally people with fibromyalgia have often been advised to work with a massage therapist as part of a holistic approach to their treatment. This involved the deeper manipulation of the muscles under the skin’s surface, including, in some cases, a true deep...
You Should Get Pre Marital Counseling before Saying ‘I Do’
Couples do not get married thinking they will get divorced, but over half of all marriages end in divorce or lead to an unhappy marriage. Most couples do not consider that pre marriage counseling in New York City can reduce the risk of divorce. The professional will...