When it comes to male libido enhancement, there are many supplements that have been suggested to be effective. There are a handful of products that have proven to offer exceptional results, andyohimbe is among them. Yohimbe has immediate effects in increasing male (as well as female) libido with moderate use, and has other health benefits as well. As it is with any other supplement, yohimbe must be used in moderation and consistently for good results.
What is Yohimbe?
Yohimbe is a plant that is related to the evergreen tree that grows in West Africa. Its bark has been used for centuries as an aphrodisiac. It comes in concentrations from 4% to as high as 20%. There are a range of herbal supplements that contain yohimbe in pure powder form as well as in combination with other herbs as well.
Though other supplements such as damiana, horny goat weed, and Asian ginseng have traditionally been used for male libido issues, yohimbe stands out among these because of its immediate action. A 150 mg capsule can increase sexual desire in men in as little as two to three hours. Yohimbe acts on the nervous system and directs blood flow to the genital area. Users can experience increased sweating, and a nearly immediate increase in sexual desire. For the most part, it is suggested that a half-capsule is taken to begin using yohimbe, and increasing dosage if needed. Yohimbe is a supplement that is approved by the Food and Drug Administration and can be safely used long-term. Yohimbe has been reputed to increase libido, stamina and energy, as well as in some studies increase fat-burning and weight loss in some people.
As it is with any supplement, certain pre-cautions need to be taken to make certain that yohimbe is used properly. Yohimbe is not suggested for those persons who have aggravated hypertension or thyroid issues, and for those taking MAOI medications. It is also suggested to not use yohimbe if the person is using SAM-e, DHEA, anti-depressants, beta-blockers, or other sexual enhancement herbal supplements. It is suggested to not operate any machinery, drink alcohol or take any painkiller medications while using the product. Yohimbe is also not suggested for use for those over the age of sixty-five.
Yohimbe Side Effects
There are side effects for yohimbe if not used properly by taking excessive doses. These include profuse sweating, headaches, increased blood pressure, pronounced body rash, and even depression. Again, these symptoms occur in the event that there is an overuse of the product. This would happen if more than 150 mg would be used more than once a day for an extended period of time. A beginning dosage of even 30 mg a day can achieve a desired increase of libido for a significant number of people.
Yohimbe can be used safely with the recommended dose by those who are generally in good health. It is suggested that anyone using herbal supplements should consult with a doctor or pharmacist before beginning use.