Primary Causes of Hip Pain in Women

by | Dec 31, 2015 | Health


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If you are a women who suffers from hip pain, you are not alone. Women typically experience hip pain more often than men and it can sometimes go unexplained. However, there are a number of different causes that will help you to determine what the best treatment options are for you. When you tell your doctor about your hip pain in Jacksonville area the first thing he/she will do is to determine whether or not the hip pain is your actual hip or something more serious. Here are some of the primary causes of hip pain in women.

Arthritis & Tendinitis
Arthritis is the most common causes of chronic hip pain in women. This typically effects women as they age and is commonly in the form of osteoarthritis. Women will begin to feel swelling or stiffness in the joint area. Bursitis and Tendinitis are also common reasons that women experience hip pain. If you are not using your tendons regularly they can become inflamed which causes pain. Tendinitis is also common in individuals who run frequently.

Back or Gynecological Issues
Gynecological conditions such as endometriosis can often cause hip and back pain. This type of condition cause pain not only in the hip but in the back and in the spine. A pinched nerve also has the ability to cause pain in the hip. A thorough examination will help to determine whether or not your hip pain is due to a gynecological or other back-related injury.

Treatments for Hip Pain
There are various treatment options available for individuals who suffer from hip pain but it depends on the diagnosis. If it is due to sports then your doctor may recommend that you take a break from heavy sporting activities. If you do exercise it is important that you stretch before you work out to avoid pulling any muscles or causing more pain to your hip. Excess weight can cause more pain to the affected area. Your doctor may recommend that you change your diet and lose some weight in order to prevent any more pain.

Even though it is more common for women to suffer from hip pain it doesn’t mean you have to deal with it on a daily basis. Talk to your doctor to find out what would be the best treatment options for you. Try to get plenty of rest and not cause your body any more pain or stress.