Facts about In Vitro in San Antonio TX

by | May 6, 2015 | Health


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In-Vitro Fertilization (IVF) is one of the techniques used in assisted reproduction. Doctors fertilize the egg in a laboratory with sperm from the male or a donor and then transfer the resulting embryo (or embryos) to the patient’s uterus. The process of in vitro in San Antonio TX therefore, consists of four stages: ovarian stimulation, recovery (puncture) of the oocytes, fertilization in the laboratory and transfer to the uterus. Interested in learning more about In-Vitro? If so, continue reading.

Facts about IVF

In vitro fertilization has advanced greatly in recent years and now offers very high pregnancy rates as long as it is done in a reputable center at the highest level. Diagnosis, personalized guidance of each case and coordination by the medical team are key to the success of the process. It is also essential that everything occurs in a laboratory equipped with advanced technology in reproductive biology. This allows doctors to have the eggs, sperm and embryos on-hand at all times. This will lead to a better chance of getting pregnant.

How does IVF occur?

Before starting an IVF cycle, it is necessary to receive comprehensive information on the whole process, including the medical, biological, legal and psychological professions associated with it. Additionally, some tests are required to fully understand the characteristics of each partner, and the more individualized cases will get the best results. IVF is a process that develops in stages; ovaries in the first, oocytes are retrieved in the second, the third deals with the laboratory and the in-vitro insemination itself and finally the stimulated embryos are transferred to the uterus of the patient.

Is IVF treatment painful?

IVF is not considered a painful treatment. In fact, the vast majority of patients agree that the worst part of the process is the anxiety that occurs throughout the different phases of the cycle. This is especially the case when the embryos have been deposited in the uterus and a certain result is expected. Therefore, before starting the cycle, couples should seek out psychological counseling with a professional that specializes in this area so they can properly prepare for what may or may not come next. Visit Fertility-texas.com to learn more.