General and Cosmetics Dentistry in Houston, TX

by | Dec 24, 2018 | Dental Health


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Dentistry deals with dental science, which involves procedures that address tooth problems. In addition, the field of dentistry is bifurcated in two common divisions such as general dentistry and cosmetic dentistry. Both are separate divisions of dentistry that deal with different aspects of dental science. Below is a brief classification of both the divisions for your understanding.

General Dentistry:

  • Routine exams: General dentist involves examining the tooth. It involves inspection of tooth, molars, canines and pre-molars. A professional dentist of Houston, TX goes through every detail of the tooth surface and seeks for presence of cavity or tartar. In case, any of the two are present, he/she alerts you on implementing good brushing habits. Further, while inspecting, dentist removals the visible portions of tartar and asks you to join in for a scheduled appointment.

  • X-rays: In case the dentist finds your tooth caught up with plaque or cavity, then in order to determine whether the particular tooth infected can be saved through an operation, dentist makes use of X-ray technique. In this technique, the dentist takes an X-ray scan of the affected tooth, which then enables him/her determine the exact condition of the tooth to decide right procedure in addressing the tooth decay problem.

  • Root canals: As for root canal, the dentist essentially kills the root of the infected tooth causing pain. Dentists opt for root canal only when it becomes impossible to save the tooth from normal dentistry drill-and-fill process. During operation, dentist drills the infected tooth to reach the roots after which he disconnects the connection between the tooth and root by making an incision. In Houston, dentist usually resorts to root canal method whenever there is a fear of infection spreading onto other adjacent teeth.

Cosmetic Dentistry:

  • Laser Teeth Whitening: Laser procedures are one of the newest methods used for tooth whitening all across the globe. In fact, these procedures help removing the stains that cost you your smile. Moreover, dentists find it more convenient to work with, as laser treatments cause least possible damage to adjacent areas of tooth enamel. Further, the dentists find it more accurate to work with. In addition, a dentist can use them in different intensities depending on the type and nature of work.

  • Flossing: Flossing involves removing tartars. In fact, removal of tartar is important, as it might catch on spreading cavity germs in the affected area of tooth. Thus, flossing is an important measure for every dentist, as it helps in removal of plaque that surrounds the inner lining of tooth, which is often unreachable with a toothbrush.

  • Bleaching: It involves removing stains that lie in the porous structures of the enamel tooth. To remove the stains, dentists make use of chemicals that contain peroxide groups. In fact, peroxide groups can accommodate themselves into the cavity of the tooth to remove the stains that lie inside them. Thus, through its surficial action, hydrogen peroxide removes the hard-to-remove stains from the surface.