Recognizing Signs of Wavy Hair Damage

by | Jul 17, 2013 | Hair Salon


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Women with Wavy hair might not realize that they have damaged hair. Just the shape or thickness of the hair can hide signs of damage like split ends or excessive dryness. If you are not sure if your hair is damaged, look closely for these signs.

The Sound Test

Your newly washed, newly dried hair should not sound crunchy when you rub it. It really shouldn’t make a noise at all. Pinch the ends of your hair near your ear and rub the hairs between your fingers. If you can hear a crunching sound, it means your hair is damaged by chlorine, salt or the sun. Make sure you always rinse your hair after swimming if you do not have time to completely wash it. Use a conditioner with UV protection on your hair to help prevent further damage.

Hair Loss

You don’t have to have bald spots to know if you are losing too much hair. Always check the water drain of the sink or shower after you wash your hair. If there is a lot more hair than normal then your hair could be damaged. Avoid using hot water to wash your hair because this could encourage more hair loss by stripping away your hair’s oils. Use cold or lukewarm water instead.

Difficulty Brushing

Thick or curly hair is usually more prone to tangles than straight or thin hair. However, if it’s getting harder and harder to brush your hair, it could be because your damaged hair is falling out and caught in the rest of your hair. Tangles often appear closer to the hair ends than next to your scalp. Check your hair for split ends. If you have difficulty seeing the ends of your hair strands, have a professional hair stylist examine your hair for damage.

A Word About Coloring

Every time you dye, streak or color your hair, you are weakening the individual hair strands. If you have signs of hair damage, consider not coloring your hair again until your hair has a chance for recovery. Let your hair dry naturally whenever possible because excessive heat can also damage hair.