Patients Approve of Person Centered Care West Texas

by | May 20, 2013 | Health


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For the past several decades, doctors have followed a model of service in which the physician took the vast majority of the control as to how, why, and when health care was provided to their patients. This model has made sense in that the doctor has received many years of specialized training and is an expert in the area of health care. In recent years, however, it has been found that there is a better model available that allows patients to have a say in the treatment that they are to receive. This model is often referred to as Person Centered Care West Texas.

Studies and research have shown that, when patients and doctors work together as a team, a better outcome is reached for the patient. Doctors are now being educated in how to listen better to their patients, and to take seriously their wishes as to how they would like their treatment to progress. Patients who have worked alongside of their doctors have found that they are happier with the outcome of their treatment. They feel less helpless and are happy to have input and better control as to their treatment options and choices.

Giving up a bit of the control, as well as allowing patients to take an active part in the decisions that are made with their health care is a fairly new concept that doctors are now being trained in. Doctors and other health care professionals now need to get to know their patients a little better so that they can truly understand the needs and wishes of those that they serve. Physicians will need to share medical treatment decisions with patients who normally have not received medical training. This requires good communication skills as doctors and patients work together in order to reach a mutual decision or common goal.

Patients who have the opportunity to participate in Person Centered Care West Texas services often report that they are very pleased with the results. They develop a much better rapport with the doctor who is serving them and generally report feeling more at ease with the health care process in general. Working together as a team, doctor and patient can reach a decision that is in the best interests and more fully meets the need of the person who is receiving the medical treatment.